Let’s Finovate

The last couple days at Finovate San Francisco have been fun.  The conference – focused on one-track, demo-only, 7 minute limit presentations by any financial technology company willing to spend a couple grand to hawk their wares to assembled gaggle – is getting big enough, as Brian McLoughlin pointed out,…

Rockin’ the Grove

Everyone always thinks of financial education as the panacea to the “Underbanked Problem.”  “Just teach them how things work,” they say.  Of course, most financial literacy projects are well-intended nonsense for people who actually know a lot about financial services, but with a different set of needs and cultural norms…

Core Underbanked Innovation Challenge

My fund, Core Innovation Capital, is excited to announce a prize for the best, most innovative financial services product serving the unbanked and underbanked in the US.  At stake: national notoriety, main stage exposure and $10,000. Check it out: http://challenge.corevc.com So many people and companies are putting their very best into creating…