Doral, Dorsey and Deposits

Doral, Dorsey and Deposits

For what it’s worth, today is the last day to get early-bird discount to CFSI’s annual shin-dig, the 5th Annual Underbanked Financial Services Forum. Who cares?  Anyone remotely interested in the underbanked marketplace should think twice about not attending.  The conference attracts an incredibly broad range of people, from hedge fund managers to non-profit executive directors, from senior bankers to AFS CEOs, from the Philly Fed to Silicon Valley entrepreneurs.

Having been with CFSI for years I also happen to know how much goes into the sessions.  I skip sessions at most conferences I attend, but at this conference tremendous amounts of work goes into their industry pedagogic value.

Also, Twitter’s Jack Dorsey will keynote and talk about how it’s going to change the economy at the bottom of the pyramid.  Also, there will be golf (not that I care, but you might). And I know you’re eager to learn about the latest trends in deposit taking for the underbanked.  A doozy, you say?  Check it out!

(oh, and I’ll present a handful of cutting-edge innovators from the venture trails)